Saturday, 5 April 2008


Randori class, as usual, today. It was a good class and I trained pretty hard. It is nice that I'm feeling more and more a part of the 'family' at the academy. I am flattered that I get asked by higher level belts to spar with them and I am getting better at holding my own with them (not giving up before I've started because I know they can kick my ass with one arm tied behind their backs). It is frustrating that opponents of similar skill level are more apt to attempt submissions; I tap to them less and less as my defense gets stronger but the frustration lies in that I find myself time and time again on defense. With the Gracie Invitational just around the corner, and my considering competing in it, I find myself thinking a little to much, and a little too self-critically, about my game. The thing is that I don't want to just not loose - I want to win. 

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