Friday, 28 March 2008

March 28th 2008

Learned a technique for passing guard in No Gi tonight: 
1) get a good base and move your right knee right behind your opponents tailbone - step/base your left foot out to the left - push back to make a little space in front of you between your opponents legs 
2) with hips forward and a good base, weave your left arm behind your back and under your opponents right leg while simultaneously weaving your right arm in front of you between his legs
3) 'underhook' his right leg with both arms and lean your bodyweight on the leg pushing forward with your chest
4) keep your left arm/hand gripping his right leg and sweep your right arm around his left leg so that you have a good grip of each thigh
5) drive forward while bringing your palms to grip each other, effectively stacking your opponent
6) pass to one side and gain side control

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