Jude has returned - YAY!!! And it was brutal - in the best possible way - so much so that I don't even remember the warmup. Lots of calisthenics - followed by specific sparring.
Techniques - there were two.
The first was a triangle from guard:
1) you have your opponent in your guard
2) grip his gi at the left knee securely with your right hand
3) base your right foot on his left hip
4) push/snake out your hips to your right while securing your left foot in the crook of his right arm/bicep
5) get a grip on his right sleeve with your left hand and pull him forward onto you while snaking your hips back in to your left; slipping your left leg up >> over >> behind his head and securing the triangle - you can now let go of his gi trousers to tighten the triangle.
The second was a sweep from half guard:
1) you have your opponent's right leg in your half guard
2) you grip his gi at the bottom of his left trouser leg securely with your right hand
3) get a grip on his left arm/sleeve with your left hand
4) get your right knee between his body and yours - braced against his chest
5) turn/snake to your right - pressing against his chest with your left leg/knee and with both arms down and to the right (by his left knee)
6) quickly arc in a large C from right to left effectively pulling his body on top of you with his right arm ending up way out to your left and his left knee still firmly in your grip
7) as you arc and pull him onto your chest continue with the momentum rolling backward all the way over his body and then secure side control or mount if you can get it.
Damn - this stuff gets complicated!
There was a new blue belt girl in class today which is always cool!
I sparred all but one session - and though I was in an amazingly good mood at the beginning of class I felt a bit deflated by the end. I rolled with a brown belt twice, a guy I totally like and respect, and it was a total bummer to realize yet again that I just give up before I've started with the higher belts. I totally am ridiculous to feel bad about it because in addition to complimenting me (I should assume it is honest eh?) he taught/reminded me that when I'm in someone's guard and he has a grip on one of my legs to put up the opposite leg - spoiling his ability to sweep me; and also when he has a grip of my sleeve (?) to hold down his hand with my free hand (and pressure from my body) and pull/rip the sleeve free.
Note to self - go to class well rested, and make the most of it when a higher belt offers to roll with you! Actually - make the most of rolling with everyone - take every opportunity. As my friend says "I'll take whatever you give me!" I did feel like my fitness is coming along - nice! All the spinning and running is paying off.